L. Liberidu Translator & Interpreter | Consultancy & MediationP.O. Box 323, 3720 AH Bilthoven,
The Netherlands +31 6 150 62910 Email: KvK nr: 30263429
BTW NL206609152B01
Bureau btv nummer: 3458
A large part of my work consists of creative collaborations with the media, festivals and
publishing houses:
Film Festival of Thessaloniki
1999 - 2000
Freelance subtitling
Dutch Television
1996 - today
NOS (Hilversum)
Assistant in montage of recordings and subtitling, in particular broadcasting news
items on politics, sports and finance.
IKON - (Hilversum)
Subtitling a documentary.
Commercial stations as RTL4 and RTL5
Interpreting by telephone for live broadcasts from Greece.
Dutch magazine 360 - Amsterdam
Translation of a couple of Greek articles from important magazines and
newspapers from Greek into Dutch on the Greek crisis.
Interpreter of the late Greek film director Theodoros Aggelopoulos - Amsterdam
December 2004
Interpreter of the famous late Greek director during his two-day individual press
conferences with Dutch journalists and film critics for the first part of the
unfinished trilogy “The weeping meadow”; also interpreting during the première
of the film in a cinema in Amsterdam and during the discussion with the public
Arthur Japin “De zwarte met het witte hart”, Greek publishing house Kastaniotis
I translated this Dutch novel into Greek under the auspices of the Dutch Fund
promoting Dutch literature and assigned by the Greek publishing house
Kastaniotis bv.
Festival a/d Werf in Utrecht
May 2010
Participant in a project where a poem on identity, originally written in English by
Anne Bean, was translated into the 19 different languages of the residents of the
city of Utrecht. The poems were exhibited in the backstreets of Utrecht with an
installation sprinkling the letters in white sand. The project was accompanied by
a special edition of a small book containing all poems of all participants.
Within the framework of the recent situation in Greece, I was invited to give my opinion
several times on Dutch television
15 May 2010
TV programme Rondom 10, channel NCRV : “Hulde aan de Gulden”
17 September 2011
TV programme Debat op 2, channel KRO/NCRV : “Eigen schuld eerst”
4 November 2011
TV programme De Halve Maan, channel NCRV/NTR in the live discussion about
the Greek crisis with businessman Paul Efmorfidis of the world-renowed Greek
company Cocomat.
Interview in Greek for the online platform on Dutch and Flemish literature and culture